Why hire a Doula?
Strength in Support
"It is human nature to want to know how to get from "here" to "there" without getting lost. As a pregnant woman you will be handed our culture's "modern map" of birth, which is useful for navigating routine medical and consumer tasks. And yet, may woman have told me there is something missing from that modern map- that there is something more."
-Pam England CNM, MA
Author of Ancient Map for Modern Birth
A Doula is Support
"Support is the most important part of pregnancy. It allows the mother to feel at ease, confident, and powerful. Someone needs to be by the woman’s side through the whole thing. If the partner needs to step out or is not there at the beginning, the doula is able to step in and help the mother until then. It can be hard to communicate with your care provider, especially during labor so having someone who knows your exact birth plan and what you want is very important. A nurse’s support only lasts the length of her shift, but your doula is there the entire time. A doula is also able to encourage and show your partner how to offer support. Partners have limited knowledge of birth so your doula can also educate them. Your partner needs to stay hydrated and use the bathroom. A doula is there when your partner can not be."
My Vision by Amy Swagman
Strength in Support
A Doula Provides the Woman of the Hour with :
· Continuous individualized attention to the mother's emotional and physical wellbeing
· Help to stay moving and motivated
· Non-medical pain management strategies
(Tension Release, Comforting Touch, Hydrotherapy, Attention-focusing Strategies, Mental Activity, Body Positions and Movements, Warm Packs, Cold Pack, etc.)
· Breathing techniques, positive affirmations, and encouragement
· A positive and calm attitude; Birth is normal.
· An objective viewpoint
· Space for birthing mom to find her own rhythm and ritual.
Strength in Support
A Doula Supports the Partner Too
· A doula provides support for the Partner by teaching and modeling methods to help birthing mother
· The partners can be reassured birthing mom has continuous support, even if partner needs a break, a nap, or to go grab something to eat
· Partner will have a familiar face in the room to bounce questions, concerns, and ideas off. Someone he/she can feel comfortable asking questions while navigating the birth process, the hospital procedures, or any other things that come up along the way (while not pestering laboring mom or worrying her).
It Takes a Village
This image, called “Blessings” was painted by Veronica Petrie, and is available through her Etsy shop, The Painted Forest.
The best way to have a healthy and happy birth experience starts with your birth team. Are the people you are choosing to surround you during birth going to honor, respect, and support you in your birth goals?