"A doula is like a trail guide, familiar with the path, she keeps you hiking through the hard parts, knowing the view at the end is incredible."
- Author unknown


Postpartum Support
$45 an hour- daytime- minimum of 4 hours
overnight - 8 hour shift
After delivery Mom should be focusing on recovery and getting to know her baby. No matter if it is your first child or sixth, a new baby changes the family dynamic. This transition takes time for the whole family. As a postpartum Doula I can help you navigate these changes in a healthy way.
I take some of the day to day tasks off your list so you can clear up time, space, and energy to bond, feed, rest, and get comfortable in your new normal.

Labor and Birth Support
Not Accepting New Clients until 2025
The experience of pregnancy and birth is a time of great transition for the entire growing family. The need for caring, sensitive and knowledgeable support during this time is a key element to new families feeling grounded in their decision making. The Birthside Doulas see every pregnancy and birth as a journey. As your Doulas we will offer personal support throughout the entirety of your birthing journey. We offer both hands-on and educational prenatal visits, continuous support during labor, and immediate postpartum care after the birth. We will stay in close contact in order to routinely check how you’re doing and offer any support needed throughout the entire pregnancy.
Informed and Mindful Childbirth Education
$450 for Private Class
I am committed to the wellbeing of your growing family by informing you of your options and educating you how to make good choices that support the birth experience you want. I will be there to provide you with continuous emotional, physical, and practical support, and answer any and all questions you may have.
Photo Credit: Photography Sisters, Bay Shore NY

How I Got Here
Why I Doula
After my first birth I realized fear guided many of the decisions my husband and I made during my pregnancy, birth, and fourth trimester home with baby. Fear of pain during labor, fear of choosing wrong for our child, fear of judgment from my doctors or my support. I found it hard to follow my instincts and feel confident in my decisions. I felt dismissed and unheard.
I found the proper support I need in my second pregnancy, but was I was in denial for over a year. I had postpartum depression but did not reach out and receive the help I need for a very long time.
I doula because there exists a strength in every woman that is only found once she feels truly seen and heard.
I doula to validate and to witness this strength and mirror it back to the mothers who need to be reminded of their own inner strength during labor, and in the months after birth.
I doula because I needed mentors when I entered motherhood, and I want to pay that forward.
I doula to help women trust in their own instincts and to define their own path through birthing and mothering their own way.
As a Professional Doula in the Central Long Island area, I offer personalized prenatal, birthing, and postnatal care. My goal is to give you and your family the support and knowledge you need to make confident, informed decisions about your pregnancy, labor and child rearing process.
To learn more about me and the services that I offer, please get in touch.
"We hired Jessica and recommend her to every expecting family we meet. She goes above and beyond to make sure both the birthing parent and partner feel supported, educated, and empowered. I had a lot of complications that shifted my birth preferences and without Jessica I believe my husband and I would not have felt as empowered and educated to handle theses situations as we did. I know her care and support improved my mental health outcomes and her hands on support during labor was a gift. My husband says he could not have done it without Jessica and tells every birth partner you should have a doula for both of you. I would hire her again and again."
JC Shawver

The Science Behind the Service

A Doula Provides Better Birth Outcomes
When continuous labor support was provided by a doula, women experienced a:
31% decrease in the use of Pitocin*
28% decrease in the risk of Cesarean*
12% increase in the likelihood of a spontaneous vaginal birth*
9% decrease in the use of any medications for pain relief
14% decrease in the risk of newborns being admitted to a special care nursery
34% decrease in the risk of being dissatisfied with the birth experience*
For four of these outcomes,* results with a doula were better than all the other types of continuous support that were studied. For the other outcomes, there was no difference between types of continuous support
- Facts provided by Evidence Based Births

What Does a Doula Do?
As a doula, I:
Accompany women in labor to help support a safe and satisfying birth experience as defined by you, the birthing mother.
Draw on my professional training, knowledge and experiences to provide physical, emotional, and informational support to both laboring women and their partners.
Provide reassurance and unbiased third-party perspective to you and your partner.
Make suggestions for labor progress.
Help with relaxation, massage, positioning, and other non-medical techniques for comfort.
I will help you get the information necessary to make an informed decision.
As a doula, I do not:
Perform clinical tasks, such as blood pressure, fetal heart checks, vaginal exams, etc.
Make decisions for you.
Speak to the staff on your behalf regarding matters where health care decisions are being made. I will discuss your concerns with you and help explore your options.
I cannot -and do not- guarantee a specific outcome for your birth.
I will not drive you to the hospital, pediatrician, or to run errands. You must find your own transportation.
I am independent and self-employed. As your doula, I am working for you; not for your caregiver or the facility where you birth.

About Me
I am Jessica Dennehy. I live in Suffolk County. I am the wife of Jeremiah since 2012. I am the mother of three girls, Zoe, Emma and Millie, and one boy, Jeremiah.
I am a lifelong student, a lover of nature, and a passionate traveler. I am an enthusiastic book collector, a type A list maker, and dreamer who likes to put plans into action. I am a lover of people, of culture, and of discussion. Mostly, I am woman just trying to find her tribe and her niche in this world.
I became a doula after experiencing road bumps on my path through pregnancy and motherhood with my own children. I want to share my passion, the resources, and the lessons I have learned with as many women as I can.
I want to provide support for women on their journey from pregnancy to motherhood because I want to help the mothers I support claim their power; to use their voice, to know their options, and to realize the impact choice has on our satisfaction with our experience of birth, and life, when it is exercised.
This is what a Mother’s Path to Power means to me. Standing confident in your truth, knowing you can have courage to brave the unknown because you will be supported no matter the outcome.
-A segment from my blog Why I Chose a Mother’s Path to Power.
To learn more about me and the services that I offer, please get in touch.
The best way to know, is to ask. Please connect with any questions, concerns, and comments. I look forward to hearing from you.