Lessons Learned on the Path
Exploration of the lessons learned on the paths of pregnancy, birth, and motherhood as inspired by the article Twenty life lessons of the trail, written by Ronald R. Beawald, Ed. D.

Author Ronald R. Bearwald, Ed. D. outlines in his article twenty life lessons he learned on the trail as a metaphor to life. He elegantly writes that on the trail, “we are presented with both serenity and rigors that put us in touch with our own capabilities and sensibilities”. Inspired by his list, I was provoked in thought about how the trail relates to pregnancy, birth, and motherhood. The journey of pregnancy and birth, of transitioning into motherhood, are just a few of the many trails of life. Not everyone chooses these paths, but for those of us who do it can feel scary and foreign. It absolutely presents the family with both “serenity and rigors” that can be foreign to navigate. Yet if allowed to trust the trail, the mother becomes aware of her “own capabilities and sensibilities”.
Below are the lessons outlined in the article Twenty life lessons of the trail. Over the next few months, my intention is to take each point and dig deep. To explore and play with each concept as it relates to pregnancy, birth, and motherhood. I hope you join me on this journey.
1. Walking the trail requires intention
2. Some trails must be walked from the beginning whiles others can be joined at any point
3. There are forks in the trail
4. There are obstacles in the trail
5. Parts of the trail are often unmarked
6. The trail always leads somewhere
7. The terrains and landscapes of the trail changes
8. Parts of the trail are more challenging than others
9. The difficulty of the trail is relative
10. Sometimes the trails doubles back so we can reach higher ground
11. Descending may be more rigorous than climbing
12. We will meet others along the trail
13. Some trails should not be walked alone
14. Resting along the trails allows one to complete the journey
15. Walking the trail requires nourishment
16. The trail and its surroundings are one
17. The trail is always there
18. The trail is multi-sensory
19. Walking the trail mindfully is often more rewarding than hurrying to the finish
20. The trail becomes more memorable through reflection
Source for inspiration:
Twenty life lessons of the trail, Ronald R. Bearwald, Ed. D
Spring 2010 issues of American Trails Magazine